I have created this blog to try and help alleviate some of the stress that goes along with our numerous relationships that we engage in day in and day out. Now, the Reply Guy is here to help answer your questions regarding anything from money to sex, or money for sex :) However, let me warn you, all of my replies are straight from the hip. I am a straight shooter and will not beat around the bush like so many of the so-called “experts” that are out there.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Dear reply guy,

I have a huge problem. My wife spends money like it is water. We both have decent jobs, but her spending is killing us. She charges on her credit card for everything, but then only makes the minimum payment each month. What can I do?
Signed: deeper in debt.

Dear Deeper in debt,

This one is easy…let her charge! I know you may be wondering how that can help, but if she wants to charge on her cards until they reach the limit, let her. Once she reaches her credit limit she will have no choice but to pay them off if she wishes to use them again.

Now, obviously this is only a band-aid for your current situation. At some point you are going to have to sit her down and show her how her overspending is causing serious strain on your finances.

Try this method out and let me know how things go. When it is time for that “sit down” shoot me an email and I will go over some ideas that you may be able to use to get her to see the light!

Good Luck,
The Reply Guy


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